Thursday, 28 November 2013

How to Change your System's Default settings/programs?

You may often need to change various default settings of your computer system like default browser, default Email program, default media player, etc. There are basically two methods of changing the default settings in your system application.

Method 1: You can make a program default through program settings. If you want to set Mozilla firefox as your default browser, you can do the same from firefox Tools> Options Menu. Same thing applies to other programs.

Method 2: You can alternatively change the default status of a program in your system through "Default Programs" settings.

In Windows7 and Windows8, you will find this option in the start menu. When you click on this, a new window will open. In this, you will see 4 different categories.

1) Set your default programs- Through this option, you can set various system default programs from a given list of programs and also, you can change default setting for a particular program.

2) Associate a File type or Protocol: In this you will see various file types, and you can change the default settings of every file type.

3) Change Autoplay settings: Through this option, you can change the default autoplay settings of various media devices attached to your system.

4) Set Program access and Computer Defaults: This is the most important option. In this, you can choose and change various system default programs including default browser, Email program, media player, etc.

In Windows XP, the basic procedure is the same. You will find the "Default programs/settings" option in the start menu> programs. Options in the settings may differ a little, but it works in the same way.

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