Wednesday, 6 November 2013

Useful Computer Tricks - Part 1

Trick 1. How to Block A Website On Your Computer

Login with Admin
Open My Computer/Computer
Navigate to your Operating system drive (Usually C drive)
Now go to Windows –>System32–>drivers–>etc
Here you will see your Hosts file.Open this file in notepad.
Now move to the last line in this file and add the address of the website to be blocked prefixed by

Trick 2. How to change the name of Recycle Bin icon

Click Start menu > Run > and type “regedit” (without quotes), to run Windows Registry Editor
Find and go to following “HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT > CLSID/{645FF040-5081-101B-9F08-00AA002F954E}”
double click on the default appear in the right side, Change the name "Recycle Bin" to whatever you want
Note: Incorrectly editing the registry may severely damage your system.

Trick 3. Tips To Improve System Speed

1.Let your PC boot up completely before opening any applications.
2.Refresh the desktop after closing any application. This will remove any unused files from the RAM.
3.Do not set very large file size images as your wallpaper. Do not keep a wallpaper at all if your PC is low on RAM (less than 64 MB).
4.Do not clutter your Desktop with a lot of shortcuts. Each shortcut on the desktop uses up to 500 bytes of RAM
5.Empty the recycle bin regularly. The files are not really deleted from your hard drive until you empty the recycle bin.
6.Delete the temporary internet files regularly.
7. Defragment your hard drive once every two months. This will free up a lot of space on your hard drive and rearrange the files so that your applications run faster.
8.Always make two partitions in your hard drive. Install all large Softwares (like PSP, Photoshop, 3DS Max etc) in the second partition. Windows uses all the available empty space in C drive as virtual memory when your Computer RAM is full. Keep the C Drive as empty as possible.
9.When installing new Softwares disable the option of having a tray icon. The tray icons use up available RAM, and also slow down the booting of your PC. Also disable the option of starting the application automatically when the PC boots. You can disable these options later on also from the Tools or preferences menu in your application.
10. Protect your PC from dust. Dust causes the CPU cooling fan to jam and slow down thereby gradually heating your CPU and affecting the processing speed. Use compressed air to blow out any dust from the CPU. Never use vacuum.

Trick 4. How to hide Your Files In A JPEG

For this, you will only need to use WinRAR. You just need to have a little knowledge about Command Prompt and have WinRAR installed. Here we Go...

1. Gather all the files that you wish to hide in a folder anywhere in your PC (make it C:\hidden - RECOMMENDED).
2. Now, add those files in a RAR archive (e.g. secret.rar). This file should also be in the same directory (C:\hidden).
3. Now, look for a simple JPEG picture file (e.g. logo.jpg). Copy/Paste that file also in C:\hidden.
4. Now, open Command Prompt (Go to Run and type ‘cmd‘). Make your working directory C:\hidden (Type cd/ to go to C drive, and then type cd hidden).
5. Now type: “COPY /b logo.jpg + secret.rar output.jpg” (without quotes) - Now, logo.jpg is the picture you want to show, secret.rar is the file to be hidden, and output.jpg is the file which contains both.
6. Now, after you have done this, you will see a file output.jpg in C:\hidden. Open it (double-click) and it will show the picture you wanted to show. Now try opening the same file with WinRAR, it will show the hidden archive .

Trick 5. How To Automatically Logon To Windows 7

1. Click on Start and then enter the following command in the search box:
2. netplwiz
Press the ENTER key.
This command will load the Advanced User Accounts Control Panel applet.
3. In the Users tab, uncheck the box next to Users must enter a user name and password to use this computer.
4. Click on the Apply button at the bottom of theUser Accounts window.
5. When the Automatically Log On dialog box appears, enter the user name you wish to automatically login to Windows 7 with. Then enter your account password in the two fields where it’s asked.
Click the OK button.
6. Click OK on the User Accounts window to complete the process.
From now on, when your PC starts up, Windows 7 will log on automatically.

Trick 6. How to remove arrow in shortcut’s on windows?

1.Open your registry by typing command regedit in Run window
2.Go to HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\lnkfile, remove the IsShortcut string entry because this entry is used to control if show arrows on shortcuts of common Apps and Data files
3.Go to HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\piffile, also remove the IsShortcut entry because this entry is used to control if show arrows on shortcuts of MS-DOS programs
4.Log off and login, you will find the arrow is removed

Trick 7. How to automatically shutdown your computer at a specific time.

For example if you wish to shutdown at 11:35 am. Type this in
Type Code: at 11:35 shutdown -s
To cancel or Abort the shutdown:- Type Code: shutdown -a
Type Code: “shutdown –s –m\\computername –t60”. This command will shutdown the computer on network if you have administrative access. Here computername needs to be replaced by the exact computer name of the computer on the network to work.

Trick 8. How to create a shutdown timer or computer shutdown shortcut

Step 1: Right click on your desktop and choose “New=>shortcuts”.
Step 2: In the box that says “Type the location of the shortcut”, type in “shutdown -s -t 3600” without the quotation marks and click next.
Note: 3600 are the amount of seconds before your computer shuts down. So , this means 3600 seconds = 60 mints (1 hour). You can change the value in the above code. You can even create multiple shutdown shortcuts. For example a computer shutdown shortcut for 30 minutes, 1 hour, 2 hours, 5 hours etc.,
Step 3: Make up a name for the shortcut and you’re done.
Optional Step 4 : You can change the icon by right clicking=>properties=>change icon=>browse
To abort or cancel the shutdown: To make an abort key to stop the shutdown timer just create another shortcut and make the “location of the shortcut” to ”shutdown -a” without the quotes.

Trick 9: How to convert Your Keyboard Into A Disco Light notepad
2.Copy and paste the code below into the notepad

Set wshShell =wscript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
wscript.sleep 100
wshshell.sendkeys "{CAPSLOCK}"
wshshell.sendkeys "{NUMLOCK}"
wshshell.sendkeys "{SCROLLLOCK}"

3.Save the file with name disco.vbs
4.Double click on the saved file and your keyboard Led’s will start blinking like disco lights.

NOTE: You may need to restart the computer to disable the effects.

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